Do not Rum away! Discover it.

Hailing from the Caribbean, Central and South America, the multi-coloured tapestry of rum styles is as rich as the history and culture of the regions that brought this great spirit to life. From light, fresh rum styles – ideal for rum cocktails – to the fruity, funky or spiced rum that’s perfect for sipping without adornment, rum is one of the world’s most diverse spirits.
An Introduction To Rum Famously, it was the spirit of choice for pirates. But in modern times, rum is at the heart of many popular cocktails and gaining a well-deserved reputation as a complex artisanal spirit to be enjoyed in its own right. With every country and each distillery producing its own unique style of rum, finding your perfect bottle is a voyage of discovery that starts with our selection below. Whether you prefer icons like Diplomático, Foursquare, Plantation, El Dorado and Kraken – or favour the artisan rule breakers – you’ll find every shade of rum right here.