Ginderella is the very first and most famous descendant of the Heynsquared family.
Robertswort, Japanese Knotweed and Small Pork Cherry are just a few of the (im)spices that were used to give this Gin its unique taste and smell. In the end no less than 9 extracts (3 weeds, 3 invasive exotics known only to the extermination service and 3 classic botanicals) work in Ginderella. Except for the black pepper and the Kaffir lime (freshly bought in Ghent), all the ingredients were harvested fresh in and around Ghent with more than the necessary expertise.
The use of fresh herbs distinguishes Ginderella from any other competitor in the Gin world, where flavours are usually based on dried imported classic seasonings. A unique concept that is known and praised by more and more specialists and private individuals.