Deanston 15 Year Old Organic
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Deanston 15 Year Old Organic 46.3° is a whisky from Scotland by the Deanston brand. It falls within the whisky group under the Single Malt category. This whisky comes from the Highland region. It is one of many references that you can currently buy online at Drankenshop Broekmans.
This whisky matured in American Oak casks. It is a 70cl version and has an alcohol content of 46.3%.
We have compiled a flavour profile for this Deanston whisky. Taste is of course very personal, so these parameters are mainly a guide to find out for yourself and name what you like so you can more easily discover new things.
Floral, woody, spicy, as well as fruity hints are noticeable, but these flavours are only slightly present. They add extra character and depth to this drink, without really pushing it in any particular direction.
This whisky matured in American Oak casks. It is a 70cl version and has an alcohol content of 46.3%.
We have compiled a flavour profile for this Deanston whisky. Taste is of course very personal, so these parameters are mainly a guide to find out for yourself and name what you like so you can more easily discover new things.
Floral, woody, spicy, as well as fruity hints are noticeable, but these flavours are only slightly present. They add extra character and depth to this drink, without really pushing it in any particular direction.